Happy International Women's Day! #IWD #IWD2022 #BreakTheBias
We're nearing the end of our online leadership training with Homeward Bound (HB) and it's a great time for Team HB6 Canada to reflect on our progress over the past year. In honour of International Women's Day, we think back to our pre-HB experiences and describe what brought us to this wonderful international community of women in STEMM. Enjoy some of our members' insights presented in their own unique styles!
Linda Lara-Jacobo
Click through the gallery below!
Jennifer Copeland
Amy Goodbrand
Nia Fernandez
Click through the slideshow below!
Image descriptions and captions for the slideshow are also available for download below in Word or PDF formats.
We hope you enjoyed learning more about our members! As you may have noticed, we share both common values and common insecurities as women leaders in STEMM. On this International Women's Day, perhaps we can each practise celebrating ourselves a little more. In what ways do you observe International Women's Day?
Next Time...
In Part 2 of this series, we'll share how our leadership journeys have evolved over the past year and what we've learned from the program and each other.
See you next time!
Team HB6 Canada